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Yahoo searches compare Obama to past presidents

As President-elect Barack Obama prepares to take office Jan. 20, Internet users are turning to the Web to examine the similarities and differences between him and the presidents who preceded him.

According to Yahoo, popular Internet searches over the past three months compare Obama with Abraham Lincoln with queries such as "Obama Lincoln reincarnated" or psychics say Obama is Lincoln reincarnated."

Computer users have also compared Obama with John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter. Popular queries include the Obamas the new Kennedys" and "Obama using Reagan's playbook.”

Top 10 President-Elect Searches on Yahoo (past seven days)

  1. Obama Stimulus Package  
  2. Obama Inauguration
  3. Barack Obama Website
  4. Barack Obama George Bush
  5. Barack Obama Biography
  6. Elect Barack Obama
  7. Obama Limo
  8. How Barack Got Elected
  9. Obama Birth Certificate
  10. Barack Obama Family
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