MADE IT WORK: Hang by a thread no more, fans of fashion and quasi-educational TV! The long-awaited "Project Runway" Season 6 debuts tonight on Lifetime at 9PM and two designers with local ties hit the tables. If you just can't freakin' wait that long for your fix, you won't have to -- a mashup of past contenders, the contentious Santino not excluded, appear in the "Project Runway All-Star Challenge" on the same channel at 7PM.
GLASSY EYES: The sparkly Natasha Khan of England's Bat For Lashes plays electronica-tinged pop for Nick Drake lovers who can dance, like Thom Yorke. Radiohead's leader has said that he's taken with Khan's use of harpsichord and bowed saws. The Loft, 8:30PM.
HOT FOR TEACHER: Dallas criminal defense attorney Carsen Taite isn't full up on legal drama when she goes home in the evenings. Taite pens lesbian fiction thrillers like "It Should Be A Crime," which chronicles a justice-seeking law professor and her student as they find themselves in the heat of a high-profile trial. Catch Taite at Borders Books and Music in the West Village at 7PM for a reading and book signing.