FROM THE DESK OF ... : By day, Pete Freedman keeps the local music interwebz interesting as the Dallas Observer's music editor. But you already knew that. By night -- the first one each month, at least -- he does more showing than telling as Libertine Bar's resident DJ. Catch the fourth installment of this meta incarnation of the Local Yokel Show, where Freedman has played older bands like Slow Roosevelt alongside groups-you-must-hear-now like Neon Indian and Telegraph Canyon, at 10PM.
MARK IT SLOW: Moving to low-key funk and new school soul is all in the neck, and Tony Schwa, Big J of the Clever Monkeys and others in the Cool Out Monday crew at the Cavern make it easy to get those holiday stress-induced kinks out. 10 PM.
WANT LIST: Santa didn't respond adequately to your letter? Try writing to Paul Slavens during his residency at Dan's Silverleaf, and you might just get what you never thought you wanted. Scrawl it as a song title on a slip of paper, and it comes out as improvised song dreamed up by Slavens and his band on cue -- that is, if you attach a tip. 10PM.