12/21: Kickin' Christmas

ROCKETTES-IN-RESIDENCE: The Radio City Christmas Spectacular is at Nokia Theatre until December 30, with the glittery Radio City Rockettes and their more-than-human synchronized choreography. The flying Santa, living nativity, and Nutcracker scenes make the show a one-stop for families (and a complete study of our most abiding traditions, but that's another discussion entirely.) Buy tickets here. 7:30PM.

FORUM OF OPPORTUNITY: Psst: the song to request at this week's Songwriters in the Round is called "Simply Neurotic." Host Becky Middleton recorded vocals on her friend Johnny Lloyd Rollins' anticipated forthcoming album, and that's the ragtime-tinged ditty on which they team up. Rollins is the guest this week, which is officially the Christmas edition of the show and discussion series -- you might have to hoot and holler the song title for a preview. You're welcome. Opening Bell Coffee at Southside, 7:30PM. $5.

GRINCHY GRUMPY: We filled you in on the softer side of A Christmas Carol in DFW; now we're taking note of the last few meanie-centric performances of Ebenezer Scrooge, a musical version of the play by Pocket Sandwich Theatre in its 28th year. The venue opens on Monday for a special performance at 8PM. $18. Call 214.821.1860 for reservations.

Lyndsay Knecht Milne is an NBCDFW Around Town Contributor. Got something you think we should do? Contact Lyndsay here. Follow us on Twitter (@dfwaroundtown) and sign up for our newsletter for daily updates.

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