Sen. Ted Cruz Proposes to ‘Stop the Flow of Refugees' After Weekend Attacks

Following the attacks in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota over the weekend, Senator Ted Cruz wants to stop the flow of refugees from coming into the United States.

On Monday, Cruz released the following statement that said, in part:

We must start by fully supporting our law enforcement community, from the heroic off-duty officer Jason Falconer, who neutralized the terrorist in the St. Cloud mall, saving many lives, to the FBI officers in New York who have worked swiftly to identify and apprehend the likely mastermind of the weekend bombings. We also desperately need the active participation of American Muslims who see the jihadis for what they are: the enemies of all who celebrate freedom and tolerance. Congress should act to prevent Americans who have travelled abroad for training from returning here, and to stop the flow of refugees from hotbeds of terrorism in the Middle East that President Obama is determined to bring to our country. We can’t overcome our enemies by pretending they don’t exist, and undermining our first line of defenders. Only together, clear-eyed and determined, can we defeat this foe.

Cruz proposed a similar plan last year called the Terrorist Refugee Infiltration Prevention Act.

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