Julie Fine

Off to Iowa We Go For the Caucus

Packing is a science. In one bag, I have packed clothes for candidate events, clothes for interviews outside in Iowa, and blizzard gear.

There is a possibility we could spend an extra day in Iowa. Being from Buffalo, snow is all too familiar and not exciting. I am that person who is cold when it is 70 degrees.

But my packing is nothing next to Stewy's, my photographer traveling with me. Here is what you don't see on TV. All the gear necessary to make it happen. So all this is going too!! (Stewy AKA Steve Stewart, NBC 5's Chief Photographer)

Julie with luggage

Stewy and I travel together a lot. It's a good combination! I move at about 150 mph (and enjoy coffee); he is very calm. When you frequently work with someone, he or she really gets to know you.

Stewy knows it all, whether he wants to or not. We are currently sitting together on the plane (important to note : I like to sit together; he can go either way) . In all seriousness, the bonus is you really get in a groove when you work together a lot and sometimes end up in the same glasses.

Julie and Stewy

So now all the planning is done. I know where the candidates have events. I know where the volunteers will be making calls. We have a plan . But TV throws plenty of curve balls. So you always have to be ready . That's when "150 mph" meets "calm" really gets going!

Once we land, we will grab the equipment and start working . So glad you are along for the ride.

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