
Ways to Save on your Car Insurance in Texas

Car insurance is something driver's can't live without, but a Fort Worth woman reached out to NBC 5 Responds when her rates spiked every year despite her coverage remaining the same.

Rita Goris was happy with her car insurance. But last year, when her bill jumped $360, she called her company for help.

"[An insurance agent] said maybe we can correct this," she said.

The agent asked Goris a series of questions about traffic tickets and her highest level of education before negotiating a lower rate.

But then, Goris' 2016 bill arrived. 

"It went up from $675 to $1,035," she said. "They raised the amount, but they did not raise the coverage." 

Goris isn't the only North Texan seeing her auto insurance rate skyrocket. According to a study by the car insurance comparison company The Zebra, Dallas car insurance rates have increased 40.3 percent during the past five years — far higher than the national increase of 11 percent.

So we wanted to know what's driving these numbers. An expert with The Zebra broke it down into three factors: bad weather claims, sudden population growth and the number of uninsured auto drivers.

Goris said she plans to keep shopping around until she finds a rate she can afford.

And that really is the best option. To get the best rate, make sure you're reviewing your coverage and ask about discounts for things like a good driving record or higher education.

Online: The State of Auto Insurance

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