North Texas

Water and Sewer Rates Going Up in North Texas Cities

Many water utility customers across North Texas saw their monthly bills spike by hundreds of dollars over the summer.

Rain and cooler weather means bills are now starting to come down, but some customers are about to get hit with another rate increase.

For the third year in a row, the North Texas Municipal Water District is increasing water and sewer rates.

The increase is passed down to cities, which then pass it on to customers.

In Plano, water and sewer rates will jump 10 percent starting this weekend.

That means households should see monthly bills increase by an average of $6 per month over the course of a year. The increase will be an average of $15 per month in the summer but less in the winter.

The NTMWD, which supplies water to dozens of cities in North Texas, says the increases pay for improvements and the expansion of water systems needed for growth.

The rate hike varies from city to city.

In Plano, the increase takes effect on Sunday, Nov. 1. Customers should see the change on their bills beginning Nov. 13.

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