Top Dog Names in Dallas for 2016

If you have a dog, it's very possible he or she has a human name.

At least that's what a company that provides pet sitters and dog walkers says in a new study. dug through its database to determine the top dog names for 2016 in Dallas - and most of them have human-inspired names.

Top Male Dog Names:

  1. Max
  2. Charlie
  3. Buddy
  4. Cooper
  5. Duke

 Top Female Dog Names:

  1. Bella
  2. Lucy
  3. Daisy
  4. Molly
  5. Lola

Here are some other interesting findings of dog names in Big D.

Top Football Names"

  1. Jerry
  2. Cowboys
  3. Dez

Dallas loves it teams and state, too.

  • Ranger is up 12 percent.
  • Maverick is up 28 percent.
  • Cowboy is up 15 percent.
  • Texas is up 21 percent.

Selena fans are still celebrating the beloved singer. The name grew in popularity by 102 percent in Dallas in 2016.

“Decades ago, dogs were simply our pets and the names we chose for them, like Spot or Rover, demonstrated that. As that relationship has evolved, ‘pet owners’ have begun to think of themselves as ‘pet parents,’ and dogs are part of their families,” Rover CEO, Aaron Easterly said in a statement. “As the bond between people and their pets grows, we’ve seen a shift in how pets are named. The way we name them, sheds light on that unique human-dog relationship and reflects our personalities, cultural trends and the things we’re passionate about, from politics to celebrities.”

The Top Dog Names report was developed by Rover between September and October 2016.

Results are based on analysis of user-submitted data to from hundreds of thousands of pet parents, pet sitters and dog walkers.

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