
Money Monday: Mobile Pay to Increase in Coming Year

By this time next year, how you pay could look a whole new way as more people are paying by phone with services like Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Google's Android Pay.

In the coming year, experts say, expect to see more banks getting into the game. Wal-Mart and J.P. Morgan Chase are already rolling out their own mobile payment systems and more are sure to follow.

"Every big bank is going to have their own app they're going to have their own payment systems," Southern Methodist University's Cox School of Business' Scott MacDonald said. "They're going to have all of these things because I think those are the Ubers coming to the banking industry at this point right now."

MacDonald said banks can't afford not to get into the mobile payment business.

The company e-Marketer said mobile pay transactions will triple this year.

Experts said the new payment systems will catch on because they're more convenient.

"We don't use cash anymore," MacDonald said. "We barely use any checks, but it's not because somebody stood up one day and said oh by the way we're not gonna do that. It's because cash is not convenient."

E-marketer says by 2019, mobile pay transactions will be valued at $210 billion. Last year, they were valued at closer to $9 billion.

But Bankrate says, so far, only about 1 percent of us did our holiday shopping using a mobile wallet.

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