Grasshoppers Chewing Up North Texas Crops

Grasshoppers, other insects destroy farmland

North Texas farmers are dealing with some unwanted guests.

Grasshoppers and other insects are taking over their land, destroying crops and fields. Farmers said the insect problem could be a result of the mild winter and wet spring.

"We've got grasshoppers -- green ones, yellow ones, black ones, maybe some purple ones in here -- and they're just eating the plants like crazy," Dee Johnson said.

Johnson, a cattle rancher in Denton County, said his hay fields have fallen victim to swarms of grasshoppers and other bugs. He said he fears his shrubs and trees will be next.

"This year is the worst that it's been in many years," he said. "It started so early, and it just keeps coming and coming."

Johnson said the grasshoppers are costing him money because the insect spray can be expensive.

Dennis Smith, who owns Dennis' Farm Store in Denton, said insecticide sales have spiked. He is selling twice the amount he sold last year.

Smith and Johnson said homeowners are seeing grasshopper destruction in their yards as well.

"The people over in the city, in Dallas and surrounding areas -- these grasshoppers are heading their way," Johnson said.

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