
Governor Urges Passage of So-Called Bathroom Bill

Governor Greg Abbott is urging Texas lawmakers to pass the controversial so-called "bathroom bill". 

"They're so determined to put this bill into law and to endanger so many lives," said Alex Pettigrew, a 15-year old transgender boy from Garland. "This bill is life or death for us." 

Alex and his mother, Michele, have been writing and calling their state legislators since before a version of the bill passed in the Senate in March. 

"This bill will cause chaos," said Michele Pettigrew. "For my son to enter the women's bathroom would be absurd." 

"I'd most likely be accused of being a predator," said Alex when asked what would happen if he used the bathroom that corresponds to the gender on his birth certificate. Female. "People would try to kick me out and get rid of me," Alex worried. "Then I'd have to explain, actually, legally I have to be here." 

Proponents of the bill argue it's a matter of safety. Last week Governor Abbott broke his silence about his stance and tweeted about the bill, "There's plenty of time to get this passed." 

The legislature has less than two weeks to hammer out a deal. The governor has not called for a special session, but it is an option.

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