East Dallas Neighborhood Steps Up To Thank Garbage Collectors

Garbage collectors are used to finding all kinds of things as they pick up trash, but on Friday they found something unique one east Dallas neighborhood.

They found care packages with brand new work gloves, an invitation to a Halloween party and a thank you note.

Larry Offet and the rest of the people in the neighborhood paid for the care packages.

Larry has lived in the neighborhood for more than 60 years. He helped come up with the idea after reading an article in The Dallas Morning News about the hard work garage collectors do in Dallas.

The collectors came through the neighborhood at about 11 a.m. Friday and got their care packages as they emptied the trash cans one by one.

They only stopped to read the thank you notes and say thank you to the people who live in the neighborhood.

“There are people who care about their well-being and frankly appreciate what they do because that’s hard work,” Offet said.

The garbage collectors were given a total of 120 pairs of work gloves.

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